Professional Care & Therapy
Picture Communication Therapy Materials Helps Adults Enhance Skills and Well-being
Here's our selection of no-tech picture communication therapy materials that speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, nurses and other health/ disability service professionals recommend to support their adult clients with speech difficulties.
Self-advocacy is essential to maintaining dignity and self-confidence. Whether the therapeutic goal is to regain or build speech skills, support word finding, introduce AAC or live as independently as possible, picture-based therapy materials enable adults to have a say in their care. Speech pathologists and occupational therapists and other professionals who want to create their own personalized communication boards will find the products below appropriate to use with adults and seniors. See also: Downloadable, Printable Products and lite tech, easy to use Communication Devices.
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GoTalk 9+ Communication Device Lite Touch
$349.95Back in stock! GoTalk 9+ Lite Touch is an easy to use communication device that offers extra touch sensitivity. GoTalk 9+ is lightweight and rugged, talking communication aid that offers 45 different messages and five recording levels...7-AT-GT9+$349.95