

hospital-aac.pngWelcome to our Learning Center!

Does your loved one or patient live with speech difficulties from a stroke, aphasia, dementia, Parkinson's disease or a brain injury? 

Here are some of our favorite resources that we recommend to help families learn how to communicate better at home.

Have a question or need a recommendation? Complete the form below and we will respond back to you within 24 hours!  

Aphasia Communication Tips

Communicating with someone with aphasia - Medline Plus
Aphasia Communication Tips -
Understanding Aphasia: 10 tips for improving communication - Mayo Clinic
Aphasia Communication Tips -
Top Tips for Supporting Someone with Aphasia -

 Dementia Communication Tips

15 Insightful Dementia Communication Tips - DailyCaring
Do's and Don'ts of Dementia Communication - Home Instead
Using Visual Communication Aids with People with Dementia - Caregiver Cards
Alzheimer's and Dementia Communication Cue Cards Tutorial ...
Communication and Alzheimer's -
Alzheimer's Caregiving: Changes in Communication - National Inst on Aging

Communications Supports for Persons with Dementia - Oregon Health Science U.

Alzheimer's and dementia: Tips for better communication - Mayo Clinic

 Parkinson's Communication Tips

Communication Tips for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
How to Communicate with Your Loved One Who Has Parkinson's- Visiting Angels
Communication Strategies for Parkinson’s Care Partners - Stanford blog
How Parkinson’s affects speech and communications
Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Parkinson’s disease
Effective Communication with a Person with Parkinsons

 Ask us your question here: